
Physiotherapy is our passion. In MD Clinic we offer an individual physiotherapy at the highest level. Our team consists of highly qualified and experienced physiotherapists, who constantly learn and develop their professional skills. Specially prepared for our clients cabinet has been equipped with high quality equipement for therapy and exercise.

Physiotherapy in MD Clinic is based on modern methods of treatment, which include: Manual therapy, PNF, Bobath, Soft Tissue Therapy, Visceral Osteopathic Techniques, Kinesio taping and many more.

We treat patients with wide range of ailments. We work with patients with orthopedic problems, neurological pain syndromes, patients after trauma, before and after surgery, pregnant women. Our aim is the prevention. We try to prevent disorders caused by overload and seeted work as well.

We are in constant contact with the MD Clinic doctors, who carry out the treatment of our patients. Using our knowledge and experience, we try to find and remove cause of the ailment and restore patient to full functionality.

To learn more we encourage you to familiarize yourself with our team and the methods  we work with.